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Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimisation is all about raising the profile of your website and trying to ensure that your site appears higher up in the list of results which appear when someone types in a given keyword. SEO isn’t just something you do once and move on – it requires an ongoing commitment and a thorough understanding of your target market. We’re here to help businesses of all sizes with this process, and can provide both technical know-how and expertise to ensure your business moves up the rankings.

Managing Your SEO

118 Business Directory tailors our service to your business. We’ll work closely with your business to understand it completely, ensuring that we can develop the most effective and appropriate strategy for your organisation, both initially and on an ongoing basis. Any SEO strategy will include:

  • Audit – a full SEO audit to understand the current situation before we start work to improve your position.
  • Content-driven – this is a tried and tested technique to provide high quality, relevant content on your website to push your site up the rankings. This helps with natural link-building and will engage users with your site.
  • White Hat Techniques – these are the accepted, ethical ways of getting your website noticed. Agencies which promise quick-fixes, or a large amount of followers on your social media sites very quicky are using black hat, unethical methods of boosting your rankings which could easily see your website blocked from search engines entirely.

SEO Strategies

Every company is different, and each will have a different requirement for SEO. The strategy will vary depending on whether you are targeting customers on a national level, or just trying to build business locally. If you’re in a very niche business with few competitors, then your SEO strategy will differ from a business in a crowded marketplace with lots of other companies doing the same thing. That’s why we’ll take the time to understand your business before coming up with the strategy which works best for you.

If you are interested in SEO and want to learn more about moving up the SERPS why not sign up for a free business listing and select an 7 day SEO trial to see what we can achieve.