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We Provide

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search engine optimisation is all about raising the profile of your website and trying to ensure that your site appears higher up in the list of results which appear when someone types in a given keyword. SEO isn’t just something you do once and move on – it requires an ongoing commitment and a thorough understanding of your target market.

We Provide

Pay Per Click Advertising

One of the best ways of ensuring your business appears right at the top of search engine results on search engines like Google or Bing is to use Pay Per Click advertising, or PPC for short. One key mistake which businesses make is to build an amazing website, but failing to invest the money in advertising their website and bringing visitors to it.

We Provide

Website Design

Increasingly, customers are first turning to online searches when looking for a product or a service. If you don’t have a website, then you could be losing out on potentially thousands of new customers. Building a good, effective website is a job for the professionals; we’ve all seen poorly-designed and laid out sites which don’t really encourage you to linger and browse.

We Provide

Social Media Advertising

A high percentage of the UK population are active users of social media. Millions of your potential customers are browsing social media networks every day. Around 77% of UK adults have an active profile on Facebook, there are almost 31 million Instagram users and around 43% of adults look at Twitter.